Summer School one day workshops (09.30-16.00) during July and August at Hurst Community Centre will focus on specific painting themes and skills. Students will have the opportunity to produce a sustained piece of work in the genres of figure painting, landscape, portrait and still life with reference to a specific painting examples. Workshops will include one to one teaching, tutor demonstrations, audio visual, whiteboard and group discussion of work.
Figure Painting Workshop – Renoir
09.30 – 16.00
Learn about Renoir’s use of colour that gives his paintings of the figure luminosity. Discover the importance of colour in your painting-what it does, how it does it and how it can enrich your painting. Colour is fundamental to painting-It can describe things (what we see); it can express things (what we feel); and it can symbolise things (what we interpret).Learn colour mixing and the methods and techniques for creating colour harmonies and relationships that will give your painting vibrancy, distinction and expression with reference to one of the greatest Impressionist masters.
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Landscape Painting
09.30 – 16.00
This landscape workshop will look at the depiction of natural light and how it is created in paint and colour. Taking Renoir Two Girls in a Skiff on the Seine students will be encouraged to produce a painting demonstrating the Impressionist technique and handling of coloured patches to create light in landscape.
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Landscape Painting
09.30 – 16.00
Wednesday 20 July 2016
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This landscape workshop will look at how landscape gives meaning to the human figure, by taking an example from Soviet Realist painting, which demonstrates how landscape was used to depict heroic or ideal Soviet citizens and their relationship to the landscape, embedded within Russian and Soviet national identity.
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Portrait Painting
09.30 – 16.00
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Abstract Painting
09.30 – 16.00
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Still Life Painting
09.30 – 16.00
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